How to Remove Grout


Grout is an essential element of tiling. It prevents mildew and helps keep tiles looking clean.

However, as time goes by, grout can become discolored and unsightly. It can also be challenging to remove.

The good news is that there are several ways to get rid of old grout and replace it with new. The most common method is to use a power tool.

Hammer and screwdriver

There are several different ways to remove grout. Depending on the type of grout, you may need to use manual or power tools.

One of the oldest and simplest methods is to use a hammer and screwdriver. These are easy to carry around and can do an excellent job removing grout.

The problem is, they can also damage your tiles if you don’t use care. Keeping the hammer and screwdriver far from your tiles is essential so you don’t hurt them.

Another method is to use a grout saw or scraper. These are usually made of metal and have a carbide grit-edged blade that works similarly to a scraper.

The advantage of using a scraper is that it can cut through hardened grout in a fraction of the time it takes to remove it manually. However, it’s not ideal for removing grout on thin tiles because the tip can easily chip or break off and is hard to clean up.


When removing grout, it’s essential to do it correctly. A chisel can help you to cut through the grout without damaging the ceramic tile or other surfaces nearby.

A chisel is one of the oldest tools known to man, dating back to 8,000 B.C.E. The ancestors of present-day chisels were made from flint, although copper and bronze were also developed.

A chisel is an excellent tool for cutting through hard materials such as concrete. They come in various sizes and hardnesses, depending on the task.

To remove grout with a chisel, you must first grind down the grout line horizontally. Then it would be best if you slightly angled the blade to scrape away any remaining bits of grout.


Grout is a cementitious building material used to fill gaps between tiles. It provides a watertight seal and adds a finished appearance to your tiled surface.

You can remove grout with hand tools, but power tool-equipped options are faster and more efficient for larger jobs. A grout knife, for example, can cut through unsanded or sanded grout quickly, while an angle grinder is a more powerful option that easily handles epoxy and sanded grout.

For smaller, less-powerful projects, a rotary tool with a grout removal attachment will get the job done without putting a lot of muscle into it. This tool will create a lot of dust, so wear a mask.

Safety gloves

Wear safety gloves if removing grout with a hammer or other tool. This can help prevent cuts, sprains, and other injuries.

Use safety goggles to protect your eyes if a grout saw is involved. Small pieces of grout can enter your eyes if you’re not paying attention and cause eye irritation.

You can also use rubber gloves that protect your hands from chemicals like Portland cement. Manufacturers recommend these as they don’t limit talent, making them more comfortable to wear. They are also available in various materials, including leather and fabric.