Syndrome of hiring Front End Developers | FB Developer Circles & Egyptian Geeks Meetup


This is Hameed Gamal’s talk at FB Developer Circles & Egyptian Geeks Meetup that took place August 26th, 2017 at the Greek campus. The talk was about the syndrome of hiring Front End Developers

The session was a recap on how Front End Development field is changing rapidly and it’s tough to keep track all changes, that means that hiring needs are changing rapidly, that also makes hiring Front End Developers much harder. We tried to make it easier WUZZUF, it was a rich experience that deserves to be shared.

Hameed is part of WUZZUF team where they build World Class Products.


WUZZUF is Egypt’s #1 online Recruitment website. WUZZUF helped over 10,000 companies hire more than 100,000 Egyptians – and has sponsored 100+ job fairs and employment events. WUZZUF’s goal is building and utilizing technology to match people with the right jobs at scale.

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