Who is the American Millennial Money Expert?


Whether via Twitter or podcast, financial influencers offer advice to help you achieve your financial goals. Some may focus on frugal living, while others highlight research or news regarding retirement planning.

Tori Dunlap boasts over 1.7 million TikTok followers and offers valuable advice to women regarding financial matters such as saving and debt management through her blog, Her First $100K.

Suze Orman

As a self-made millionaire, Orman has made her mark regarding personal finance. She offers proven strategies to help anyone get out of debt, increase earnings or begin investing.

Orman graduated with a degree in social work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She began as a waitress before transitioning into writing and providing financial advice. In 1977, she moved to northern California, where she joined Merrill Lynch’s stockbroking service; according to Orman, she lost some money when her broker invested it in options trading.

Suze Orman founded the Suze Orman Financial Group shortly after,, and her television show ran for 13 years on CNBC while she wrote ten books, including You’ve Earned It Don’t Lose It (1995), Courage to be Rich (1997), Laws of Money: Lessons of Life (2003) Women and Money (2005) Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan (2009) The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+ (2010) and The Money Class (2011).

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey is a financial expert, radio show host, and New York Times best-selling author. His Total Money Makeover and Financial Peace University programs have helped millions take control of their finances through practical advice based on his life experiences and biblical texts. Ramsey encourages followers to follow seven steps to reduce debt and build wealth.

His methods may not appeal to everyone; his blunt talk and evangelical Christian vocabulary may be offensive to some listeners, while he uses name-calling and can be pretty aggressive when giving advice. Furthermore, some have accused him of being anti-gay while criticizing his debt snowball method for being mathematically inefficient.

Regardless of his critics, millions follow his advice. Many credits his teachings, books, or community with helping them break free from credit card and student loan debt and build wealth. Attendees at his Financial Peace University classes frequently find support through social media, where they can share successes and failures.

Pete Adeney

Pete Adeney, better known by his online moniker Mr. Money Mustache, retired debt-free by living a lifestyle 50 percent cheaper than his peers and investing the surplus, as written on his blog.

These measures included cutting back on restaurant outings, forgoing car loans, and riding his bicycle whenever possible – savings which, combined with additional income from side hustles, allowed him to save enough for retirement by age 37 – before investing the funds in various index funds.

He can’t abide being idle, so he keeps working on projects for his online following, whom he refers to as Mustachians. These projects range from charitable giving (Adeney has given roughly $100,000 annually since 2014) to his latest endeavor: purchasing and renovating an old brick building in Longmont, Colorado, that will become his headquarters while serving as a hub for the Mustachians community.

Tori Dunlap

Tori Dunlap is a personal finance expert who advocates for more inclusive money management strategies. She was named to Forbes 30 Under 30’s 2023 list and established Her First $100K as an educational company to combat gender inequality with financial education for women. Furthermore, her podcast Financial Feminist currently ranks #1 in both Apple and Spotify business categories, and she will soon release her debut book this month.

Dunlap took an unconventional path to becoming a financial expert. After blogging about her attempt to save $100,000 by age 25, she built up an audience. Now she uses this platform to teach others how to negotiate salary, pay off debt and build savings accounts.

Dunlap advises individuals to create an emergency fund before setting larger financial goals. She suggests setting aside three to six months’ living expenses in an account that offers higher yield so that if life throws you a curve ball, you won’t need to resort to credit card debt as a backup plan if a job loss or another setback arises.

Ramit Sethi

Ramit Sethi is an award-winning personal finance expert who has amassed a wide following over the past decade through his blog and online courses, podcast hosting services, podcast hosting services, writing for multiple popular publications such as Business Insider and Entrepreneur and providing honest yet direct advice – which sets him apart from other financial experts by not shying away from telling people exactly what they need to hear despite it sometimes being uncomfortable.

He launched I Will Teach You to Be Rich as a blog that taught readers essential money lessons, then expanded it with books and courses available online.

How to Get Rich is an engaging Netflix series following financial expert Ramit Sethi as he helps individuals across the U.S. improve their finances by paying off debt and saving more while increasing spending on what matters while cutting expenses elsewhere.

Danetha Doe

Danetha Doe is the creator of Money & Mimosas, an online portal for women that assists them in becoming financially independent. Doe advocates that women must first master their finances to achieve true gender equality – both at work and at home. She has been recognized by TIME Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and Fast Company as a millennial thought leader.

She emphasizes the importance of strong motivation and determination for running a successful business while suggesting newcomers use a financial system to track money coming in and going out – using online bookkeeping software such as QuickBooks Online, Xero, or FreshBooks can give a clear view of finances with their charting functions that show trends over time.

Doe believes the critical mistake women make when it comes to finances is not seeking adequate financial education. She advises women to treat it like exercise; treat financial literacy like it’s part of your daily regimen for a healthier relationship with money. She hopes her work inspires women to follow their dreams and be bold enough to step into their power.

Erin Lowry

Erin Lowry of Broke Millennial fame has built her finance writing brand by serving a niche market. Traditional financial advisors tend to shy away from working with young people because they typically don’t possess as much investable wealth; Lowry saw an opportunity and has succeeded by offering advice online and in book form.

Her first book, “Broke Millennial Stops Scraping By and Gets Their Money Together,” was released in 2017 and named one of MarketWatch’s best money books of that year. Her second release, “Broke Millennial Takes on Investing,” came out in 2019 as an introduction to investing for beginners.

Lowry advises millennials to track every dollar they spend, use an envelope system to separate spending categories (like rent or utilities), and label savings accounts with meaningful names like “emergency savings,” “Hawaii 2021,” or “down payment on a home.” She suggests setting text alerts from each credit card company to help keep their balance under control and discuss when starting one is wise. She also talks about setting up retirement accounts.

Humphrey Yang

Yang is an established financial advisor with more than three million followers on TikTok and YouTube combined, where he regularly publishes educational videos about personal finance topics like taxes and investing. Recognized as one of GOBankingRate’s Top Money Experts, his goal in creating these videos is to make them engaging yet comprehensible to his viewers.

Anjie and RJ Muhammad, two millennials passionate about helping other couples avoid money-related fights that often lead to divorce, have set out to share tips and strategies so couples can accomplish their financial goals together without feeling financially stressed or overwhelmed.

Anjie and RJ draw upon their own experiences to provide advice on communicating about money that resonates with married people who both work full-time, have children, and are trying to build wealth. Their advice is relatable and pragmatic, prompting Bankrate to name them 2022’s Best Finance Influencer Accounts.